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Career Paths After Graduation

We provide comprehensive support for international students in finding employment and further education. Every year, we hold job fairs and conduct interview guidance sessions on campus.

[ Main Employers ]

ソラノホテル、ギガクラウド・テクノロジージャパン(株)、HOPE 有限会社、イムーブルマジネメントジャパン(株)、コスメナチュラルズ、(株)カネコ、 ホテルのせ川、伊藤忠丸紅特殊鋼(株)、HIS(株)、三陽商会、リーブ 21、ヤマヲ、 ビックカメラ、ヤマト運輸、シダックスビューティーケアマネジメント(株)、セブンイレブン、(株)ワンダーテーブルなど

[ Main Institutions for Further Education ]

北陸先端科学技術大学院大学、東京外国語大学、明治大学、駒沢大学、拓殖大学、桜美林大学、嘉悦大学、帝京大学、西武文理大学、尚美学園大学、東京家政学院大学、日本経済大学、成安造形大学、上武大学、山野美容短期大学、東京福祉大学、 柏木実業専門学校、駿台トラベルホテル専門学校、米山ビジネスファッション専門学校、CAD 製図専門学校、東京国際ビジネスカレッジなど

Messages from Graduates

  • チャン トゥイ リン(ベトナム)

    Management Major
    (株)Harvest Biz Career

    I studied for two years in the Management Major at this school. Looking back, time flies. Due to the impact of COVID-19, I arrived in Japan later than planned and could not study much at the Japanese language school compared to other students. I was worried because I knew nothing before entering the vocational school. However, thanks to the dedicated guidance of the teachers over the past two years, I learned a lot and am very grateful. The knowledge and skills I acquired in Japanese, computers, and bookkeeping at this school helped me gain confidence, obtain certifications, and receive scholarships. Despite my lack of confidence, I was able to secure a job. There may be various difficulties in studying abroad, but please do not give up and do your best. I want to be an active and respectable member of society, carrying gratitude towards the teachers and the school.

  • 崔 超凡(中国)

    Business Major
    HOPE Ltd.

    Among many vocational schools, I chose this school, and it turned out to be the right choice. I made many friends here and had a great time. The joy of learning is realizing that you can understand what you previously did not know, and as a result, gaining qualifications and various knowledge. However, two years pass by quickly, so cherish each day. I sincerely hope your student life will be fruitful.

  • グェン タィン トウ(ベトナム)

    Business Major

    I graduated from the Business Major at this school and currently work at a company in Japan. Thanks to my hard work over the two years, I obtained certifications in Japanese, bookkeeping, and computers. During my studies, I was blessed with good teachers and made friends from various countries. The life of an international student is not easy, but let’s face and overcome difficulties such as cultural differences and continue to move forward with dreams. A bright future awaits you.

  • 高 嘉琦(中国)

    Management Major

    I graduated from Tianjin Polytechnic University in China, worked at NEC (Beijing), and then came to study in Japan six months later. My purpose for studying in Japan was to become an international person demanded by the globalized economic society. After graduating from Japanese language school and foreign language school, I decided to enroll in the International Electronic Management Major at this school to gain the necessary knowledge as a businessman to excel in Japanese corporate organizations. At school, I studied bookkeeping, business entrepreneurship, IT, and encountered various new knowledge every day. I hope those who wish to enroll in the future will make the most of this school as a place for self-improvement.

  • 董 彦宏(中国)

    Management Major

    Hello to everyone considering enrollment. My name is Dong Yanhong. My advice is to always strive to improve yourself and engage in learning. It is important to focus on classes and practical training, and actively learn on your own. Good communication and cooperation with those around you are also crucial. While the vocational school allows for in-depth study of specialized fields, I also made it a point to take an interest in other areas and maintain a broad perspective. Through experiences and activities outside of school, you can also grow yourself. Finally, I sincerely support all new students to have a wonderful student life, achieve their goals, and polish themselves. Enjoy your new school life and do your best!