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Tuition Fees

Tuition and Fees Due at Enrollment

Total tuition for 2 years (24 months) is 1,040,000 yen + 60,000 yen for textbooks and event fees

Academic Year1st Year2nd Year
Annual Tuition
(including textbooks and event fees)
640,000 yen460,000 yen
Tuition Paymentlump sumlump sum by the end of February

For the 1st year, please pay the total of 640,000 yen, which includes the admission fee and tuition fees, within 10 days after receiving the admission notice. As a general rule, the admission fee and tuition fees once paid are non-refundable.

1st Year Breakdown

Admission Fee180,000 yen
Tuition Fee370,000 yen
Facility Fee60,000 yen
Textbooks and Event Fees30,000 yen
Total640,000 yen


Tuition Fee370,000 yen
Facility Fee60,000 yen
Textbooks and Event Fees30,000 yen
Total460,000 yen