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Our Educational Policy

  • Detailed and thorough instruction by attractive faculty members
  • Education aimed at obtaining various qualifications useful in practice
  • Developing human resources required by companies

To Students Applying to Our School

Our school aims to provide practical education that is useful for employment in companies and for advancing to universities. The goal of our education is to cultivate the specialized knowledge and foreign language skills necessary for business people and university students, while also nurturing individuals with a rich heart who are familiar with the manners and customs in the companies of the international society.

Our school’s learning style

  • Classes are divided into a morning session (8:45 AM to 12:45 PM) and an afternoon session (1:30 PM to 5:30 PM), allowing students to attend according to their lifestyle. Additionally, the school is very conveniently located near the station.
  • To reduce the financial burden on students, our total tuition is 1,100,000 yen (for 2 years), which is very affordable compared to other schools.
  • We provide personal consultations on living, further education, and career paths, so both Japanese and international students can study with peace of mind.